Few weeks upon touching Brisbane....   Feeding kangaroo leisurely in the park. Everything went well? Alas....

Upon reaching the rented department, was found to be duped by the landlord. Room so small with no sea view, and have to face the PC that zaps electromagnetic waves when sleeping



Flared up by landlord's deceit, moved to another apartment with sea view & a swim pool at rooftop after 1st semester. Shared with a room-mate, still plenty of room in toilet to display one's cosmetics and perfumes

Even the kitchen is so small, with a stained yellow board, one miserable pair of chopsticks, and a plastic cup which is used again and again              
                A bigger kitchen with proper sink, a white chopping board and a set of porcelain plates and mugs. There's even ample space for a bottle of Ribena and microwave oven
The finally satisfied smile....